How we work to manifest a life beyond our wildest dreams - for our family as well as for the future of our planet

- Modern shaman Rebekka Lassesen and co-founders of Stedsans Flemming Schiøtt Hansen and Mette Helbæk are calling all light workers to join them for a ceremony to dream in the new.

Join us for a free workshop on ‘dreamweaving’ - the techniques we need to manifest a dream life not only for ourselves but for those around us too. The techniques are also skills we need to create a new and beautiful destiny for Planet Earth.

Watered down dreams
seem to be easier to swallow
But in fact they make life more hollow
The strongest ones
Feel like a song
that sings you home
where you belong

As voyagers from the stars
we are sculpting life in burning clay
creating a space where we’d all want to stay
In heartfelt visions with no ends
all dreams are made of threads
woven between all of this
— Poem channeled by Rebekka Lassesen

What is dreamweaving?

Dreamweaving is what the prophets have told we will do in these transformational times, when the civilisation on Earth is changing once again. We are the ones we have been waiting for to turn things around, and to do this we need to gather and align our dreams. (See for example one of the Hopi prophecies here).

So if you feel in your heart that life on Earth could be better, and that you are here to help create change, we hope you will join us for this workshop.

About the Workshop

The dreamweaving workshop is a collaboration between Flemming Schiøtt Hansen and Mette Helbæk from Stedsans and modern shaman Rebekka Lassesen. The workshop is an online version of a workshop first created during a 5-day ‘freedom retreat’ held in the forest the first week of July 2024.

Part 1: Manifesting what we need, not what we want

In the workshop we will go through the different elements of manifesting for the highest good, and how we make sure to create what we truly need instead of what we want. Flemming and Mette share about their own practical experience with both and make references to where we are at as a society today. 

When we learn to manifest what we need in our private lives, we prepare ourselves for the big work we have before us: Dreaming in the World we want to pass on to our children.

Part 2: Working deliberately with the unseen realms

In part two of the workshop Rebekka will teach us how to work with ‘the field’, the divine source of all creation. She will be guiding us into our center and help prepare our system for the state we need to be in to create powerfully from a pure heart.

We learn about co-creation and aligning with our ‘true north’ - the direction we all need to be heading to create a life in sync with the highest good for all.

Part 3: Dreaming in the World we want to pass on to our children

Part 3 is a ceremony to dream in the new. Flemming, Mette and Rebekka will share about the world they see and feel in the horizon.

The participants will be able to share their visions in the comments, and the dream weaving can begin!

How to join

When: 17/9 kl. 20.00-22.00 CEST (Copenhagen/Stockholm time)
Where: We meet on WebinarJam - join us via the link below

Replay will be send out after the event, if the time does not work for you or you want to listen to the workshop again.

mette helbæk