Join our Dreamweaving events

We are passionate about getting these techniques out to as many as possible, so we can all start to dream in the new era of humanity together. Below you can see already scheduled Dreamweaving events, or sign up for our Dreamweaving newsletter to get a heads up about new events.


17/9 at 20-22 CEST: Free online Dreamweaving workshop. Read more here

17-20/10: Creation of a Dreamweaving Manifest in the forest - more details will be announced in the newsletter

Guide to dreamweaving

Dreamweaving is an ancient practice, used to create what we desire. It is the unique ability we humans  have to consciously use our minds to dream about something better, and thereby creating it.

It has been forgotten how we use it, but within the last few decades, parts of the knowledge have again been made mainstream under names such as manifestation techniques and law of attraction. Dreamweaving is the art of not only manifesting what we want, but what is for the highest good, together with other people.

It has been foretold for thousands of years that we would again be dreamweaving at this time in history. A time, when the World as we know it is changing before our eyes. The death of the old world, and the rebirth of a new – New Earth.

Some prophets have mentioned that it would be the women of the North who would be the midwifes assisting the world with this transition. Others foresaw how the indigenous people of the Americas would come together to share their wisdom with the lost souls in the Western parts of the World. We see both happening now.

They saw how we would heal so much that we would again be able to sit in a circle to dream in the new.

What is ‘The big dream’?

The big dream is about creating a new era in the history of humanity – a life on ‘New Earth’. New Earth is physically the same Earth as we live on now, but both the Earth and the humans inhabiting it are raising our vibrations from the state of survival that has been necessary up until now, and to one of unconditional love, unity and harmony that is possible at this time in history. We have gained so much knowledge and made so many innovations, that we are now ready to live a truly fulfilling, peaceful life on Earth. Our work now is to learn how to align scientific knowledge, our new technology and the intelligence of nature towards the goal of ‘the big dream’. The problem in the world today is that our ability to create with our minds have to a great extend been used for goals benefitting only one individual or groups of individuals, not the whole.

We forgot that all is interconnected, and we can’t go to war with our neighbor and still be at peace. We can’t destroy the soil our food grows in and still expect to be fed.

Getting ready to dreamweave

The first step is to remember our ‘humanness’. Humanity has always been about sharing, caring and doing what is right and decent.

Here is what the dictionary says:

Humanity – noun

: compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition : the quality or state of being humane.

Secondly, we need to acknowledge that all life forms have value and need to be respected. The natural gifts are the foundation for our existence here on Earth and every single piece of life matters. This is not just about decency, it’s a matter of survival.

The third step is to agree to the law of the rainmaker: “When the power to co-create is used with integrity, great beauty and benefit flow to all. When this power is used for personal gain only, everyone suffers”[1] We agree to only create what is for the highest good.

To agree on what is ‘for the highest good’ is not necessarily easy. There are unseen realms we don’t know about – like all the life in the soil. But setting the intention is an important first step. Another is to go general and start with the big picture instead of going straight to ‘the how’.

To get ready to dreamweave, you also need to be able to get in touch with your heart. Science is teaching us that the heart is in many ways more powerful than the brain. Its electrical charges can be measured even outside of the body. The heart is also a better tool to rely on than the brain as it only knows ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and always chooses what is for the highest good naturally. We can learn techniques that make us able to ‘follow the heart’. One such tool is taking a deep breath and focusing on the heart. Another is to drink a glass of water with drops of rose tincture or another heart opening plant. With a little practice we can learn to feel and follow the subtle cues of the heart.

A practical guide to the dreamweaving process

Dreamweaving can be done by two or more people. It is an excellent tool to learn to master with those you co-create your everyday life with – like your spouse or business partner.

1.        Sit comfortably, facing each other.

2.        Take a few deep breaths and connect with your heart. Set the intention to connect  and align with the hearts of those in the circle.

3.        There are a few ‘rules’ to remember, and these need to be recapped: 1. We never say ‘no’ or ‘that’s a bad idea’ in a dreamweaving, and 2. We don’t interrupt. See the dreams being spoken as threads in the weaving of a beautiful blanket – the threads can be redirected, but must not be cut off.

4.        One person can say an entry prayer out loud, like ‘may all we dream of in this circle be for the highest good of all,’ and whatever else may feel like it needs to be announced.  

5.        Now one person start dreamweaving: “I see a World/situation before me…”. When that person is done, the next person who has something to add takes over. And so on… You can see an example of a dreamweaving below.


Example of a dreamweaving

“I see before me a World where everyone thrives.

Where everyone has covered their basic needs.

Where the children are again free to learn through play and are encouraged to go out and search for their very own individual gift to share with the World.

We all see finding and sharing our gift with the World as the reason why we are here on this planet.

To share. To make this life experience better for all, us inclusive.

We have a school system entirely based on what the pupils – no matter their age – have a desire to learn. No curriculums, no grades, fixed schedules. Just places to meet to learn what we need to know and teach what we have to teach.

There are things that all children learn, skills they need to thrive. They learn how to build a home, how to grow and find food, how to take care of animals and how to take care of their own physical needs. They learn to sow and mend, to swim, bake and meditate. The importance of silence. The importance of asking questions. The importance of sharing and caring and setting the needs of the community first. They know self-love as this is what they are modeled by their parents.

I see a World where disease is rare. We have places to go to for urgent matters like broken limbs or poisoning, of course. But mainly we go to the health houses with doctors and healers from all modalities who teach and guide us to take so well care of our bodies, minds and souls, we all thrive. Disease-free is nowhere close to enough for us, we want to shine!

All food is free. So is water, fabric for clothes and materials for building our homes. What Mother Nature always provided for our well-being is again at our disposal. Of course, we all work to make this possible, with our hands and hearts we create the things we all need, and we share the abundance we create together.

No person is not needed. The young, the old, the mothers and fathers, the disabled, those with a fragile mind. We are all needed, and we all do our best to contribute with our special gifts and talents.

The rules are few and legal work simple. Rule number one is to never do anything that goes against the highest good. Whenever there is doubt if this rule has been violated, the board of elders are called in to make their verdict. The elders are those who have lived long enough, in this and other lifetimes, to know the complexity of life, and whose hearts are pure. They want nothing but the highest good. They know what it feels like when there is alignment between our earthly needs and those of the spirit world. The elders come from different backgrounds, but they have in common that they travel in both the realms of the seen and those of the unseen. They can see behind the veil.

That is also why the elders are the ones to turn to whenever there is uncertainty or a crisis arises. The elders know how to guide us in the right direction.

As a natural consequence of the simplicity of the legal system and everyone having their basic needs met, no jails are needed. Doing something that goes against the highest good is seen as insanity, as everyone knows that all is one.

We live in villages, reconnected with nature. The areas before used for farmland, food factories and cities, are again given back to nature, allowing us to live among trees, lakes and singing birds again. We grow food in much more efficient and generous ways – using nature’s own principles paired with modern science – and we eat a completely different diet that allows us to need less. All candy, fast food and highly processed products are gone, we only have real food left. Amazing, vibrant, fresh food full of vitality, nourishment and flavor.

We have put the technologies that allow for energy to be shared into use. They had been collecting dust on the shelves of patent holders that originally had no intention to set them free, but even the patent holders became a part of the mass awakening that took place. Our level of consciousness suddenly raised, so we could all feel the harm we had been doing to ourselves and each other for all these years, when greed, hatred and wars had been setting the standards for our way of co-existing.

All asphalt is removed, and we have found new ways of transportation. We walk, cycle, and use horses again. Our need for transportation is way lower now that we live so close to everything we need.

We still use new technology, but mindfully. We remember the days when technology almost took over our lives, our minds, our World. These are not days we want to ever go back to. We tell our children about those days in their bedtime stories, and remind them what happens when humans play god.

Our calendar is following the rhythms of the moon, and we honor the natural cycles. We don’t need the calendar so much for keeping track of our appointments, but knowing when to put seeds in the ground and when to spend more time in the dream state is something we again have learned to honor.

Men and women are equal and we honor and worship each other’s gifts. Men are honored for their strength and determination to protect and manifest, women are honored for their intuition and special sense for what the community needs. We have learned how to effectively weave beautiful lives together.

We are happy. We are healthy. We are free.

We are back at our natural state, connected with nature, ourselves and each other.

We are back in paradise.”

-              Mette Helbæk, September 2024

[1] Villoldo, et. al – Mystical Shaman Oracle